MVC Mailer layout is not rendering any html other thatn the RenderBody method

Hi I am using MVC Mailer to manage creating and sending emails in my application. It will create and send the email fine but any html I insert inside the body in the layout is not in the email.


public class Mailer : MailerBase, IMailer
    public aMailer()
        MasterName = "_EmailLayout";

    public virtual MvcMailMessage RequestAccess(RequestAccessViewModel viewmodel)
        ViewData.Model = viewmodel;

        return Populate(x =>
            x.Subject = "RequestAccess for Data";
            x.ViewName = "RequestAccess";
            x.From = new MailAddress(viewmodel.Email);

I am setting it to use _EmailLayout here, I cahnged the name after seeing that there was an issue with naming it _Layout because it would conflict with any other files named _Layout.




The contents of the H1 tag or "Thanks" are not in the email


<h3>"This is a Application email." </h3>
<p>Business Area: @Model.BusinessArea</p>

Email Source

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"><title></title>

    <p> Hi jeff test,</p>
    <p>Thank you for your enquiry about the Application.</p>


Has anyone come across this issue before? When I debug my application I can see that it is going into the _EmailLayout but I don't know why the HTML in that files is not rendered.


  • After posting the following issue on the github page for MVC Mailer Changing the layout code to this fixed the problem

        <meta charset="utf-8" />

    I'm not sure why this fixed the problem but it did.