
Why does IntelliSense keep changing function to Function?

I am having a very strange IntelliSense issue, and I'm not sure if it's Visual Studio 2013 or ReSharper 8.1. When I'm working in views (cshtml) within script tags (javascript), something keeps changing "function" to "Function" with a capital "F."

<script type="text/javascript">
    var something = function() .... //on tab or completing the ()'s, it changes to Function

This isn't a huge deal, of course, but it's becoming a pain in my neck as I keep having to go back and lower-case the "F." Does anyone know why this is happening?

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate with ReSharper 8.1 C# edition.


  • Clearing the caches would probably work - Resharper->Options->Environment->General and click the Clear Caches button.