
Android USB Debugging has stopped working

This problem started just two days ago.

Suddenly USB Debugging for Android is not working on my system.

My Current status..

Emulators are being properly detected and work 1000% But when i plug in a device it shows up under devices but a connection is not established by adb.

Running 'devices ' command from adb does not list it as one of the attached devices. I have tried with 3 diff devices HTC One , Galaxy Advance , Galaxy POP it all the same situation.

System Config

Windows 7 64 bit Eclipse 4.2.2 ADT Plugin 22.3.0 Platform-tools 19.0.1

I think the last modifications i did to the system is updating the Android Sdk using SDK Manager. I am not sure what all got updated.

What i tried so far..

Restarting Eclise / System.. Reinstalling the ADT Plugin.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this problem.


  • I finally got it to work but still not sure what the problem was.

    Here is what i did ...

    I Downloaded the latest ADT Bundle, then pointed the SDK to my original set i was using before as it contained the full set of platforms ,docs etc.

    For any one who needs to do this ..

    1. Open the Eclipse in the downloaded bundle. (It contains the latest platform only)
    2. Goto Window -> Preferences
    3. Choose Android on the Left side
    4. On the Right Click Browse and select the "android-sdk" folder that you need to use
    5. Click OK at the bottom