This problem started just two days ago.
Suddenly USB Debugging for Android is not working on my system.
My Current status..
Emulators are being properly detected and work 1000% But when i plug in a device it shows up under devices but a connection is not established by adb.
Running 'devices ' command from adb does not list it as one of the attached devices. I have tried with 3 diff devices HTC One , Galaxy Advance , Galaxy POP it all the same situation.
System Config
Windows 7 64 bit Eclipse 4.2.2 ADT Plugin 22.3.0 Platform-tools 19.0.1
I think the last modifications i did to the system is updating the Android Sdk using SDK Manager. I am not sure what all got updated.
What i tried so far..
Restarting Eclise / System.. Reinstalling the ADT Plugin.
I would appreciate any suggestions on how to fix this problem.
I finally got it to work but still not sure what the problem was.
Here is what i did ...
I Downloaded the latest ADT Bundle, then pointed the SDK to my original set i was using before as it contained the full set of platforms ,docs etc.
For any one who needs to do this ..