I am just starting with Google Sites and after a very frustrating time with the HTML Box not running any Javascript (and it seems that no-one has got it to work) I have started with Google Gadgets.
I am running the following simple code as next step from Hello World and am getting the error "gadgets.MiniMessage is not a constructor" from the Firefox Web Console; even with the ModulePrefs setup as per the Google documentation.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ModulePrefs title="HTML5 Test" />
<Require feature="minimessage"/>
<Content type="html">
alert( "FFS Do Something" );
var msg = new gadgets.MiniMessage(__MODULE_ID__);
if ( window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob )
msg.createDismissibleMessage( "HTML5 is supported." );
msg.createDismissibleMessage( "HTML5 is NOT supported by this browser." );
Would anyone be able to assist with what is possibly something simple that I am missing?
Was simply an XML syntax error:
<ModulePrefs title="HTML5 Test">
<Require feature="minimessage"/>
Can stare at something too long and miss the obvious.