
Boggle game Implementation is not able to get all the words

I read the board into a vector of char vector B is the 4x4 board Read the 'sorted' dictionary into a vector of strings I scan through the 4x4 board, call fillGoodWoods function for every individual cell.

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if ( argc < 3 )
        std::cout << "\n usage : ./boggle boardfile dictionaryfile ";
        return 1;
    // B is the 4x4 board
    boggle::board B;
    // this function reads the board fine
    boggle::read_board(argv[1], B);
    // read the 'sorted' dictionary into a vector
    std::vector<std::string> dict;
    boggle::read_dictionary(argv[2], dict);
    int bsize = B.size();

    std::map<std::string, unsigned int> goodwords;

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < bsize; ++i )
        for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < bsize ; ++j)
            std::vector<std::vector<bool> > marked;
            for (unsigned int z = 0; z < bsize; z++)
                marked.push_back(std::vector<bool>(bsize, false));
            std::string pathStr ;
            pathStr += B[i][j];
            marked[i][j] = true; // mark visited
            fillGoodwords(i, j, goodwords, marked, pathStr, dict, B);
    std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::iterator itr;

    for ( itr = goodwords.begin(); itr != goodwords.end(); ++itr)
        //std::cout << itr->first << "\n";
    return 0;

The fillGoodWords is the DFS : It has to go through every neighbouring cell that has not already been visited in the path. With a board that contains 193 words Im only able to extract 80 words

void fillGoodwords(int startrow , int startcol ,
                   std::map<std::string, unsigned int> &goodwords,
                   std::vector<std::vector<bool> > marked,
                   std::string currentStr,
                   const std::vector<std::string> &dict,
                   const boggle::board &B)
    if(currentStr.find("unt") == 0) {
        cout<<currentStr<<" -- ";

    if (currentStr.length() >= 3)
        if ( std::binary_search(dict.begin(), dict.end(), currentStr))
            goodwords.insert(std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>(currentStr, 1));
    int boardsize = B.size();
    for ( int x = -1; x <= 1 ; ++x)
        for ( int y = -1; y <= 1 ; ++y)
            // checking if out of bounds
            if (  (startrow + x) < 0 || (startcol + y) < 0 || (startrow + x) >= boardsize || (startcol + y) >= boardsize )
            else if (marked[startrow + x][startcol + y] == false)
                marked[startrow + x][startcol + y] = true; // mark visited
                fillGoodwords(startrow + x , startcol + y, goodwords, marked, currentStr + B[startrow + x][startcol + y], dict, B);


  • You mark a cell as visited before recusing down so that it can't be used twice in the same word. But you must clear the cell for "sibling" paths after recursion has returned:

    marked[startrow + x][startcol + y] = true; // mark as visited
    fillGoodwords(startrow + x , startcol + y, goodwords, marked, currentStr + B[startrow + x][startcol + y], dict, B);
    marked[startrow + x][startcol + y] = false; // clear again for other paths

    To illustrate:

    S O C K
    T P X Y
    A H Z E
    O W N T

    If you start at the S and go east to the O you eventually find SOCK. Recursion returns to the S and you explore the cell to the south. You cannot find STOCK or STOP, because the O is still marked as visible.