
How To Run Arbitrary Code After Django is "Fully Loaded"

I need to perform some fairly simple tasks after my Django environment has been "fully loaded".

More specifically I need to do things like Signal.disconnect() some Django Signals that are setup by my third party library by default and connect my own Signals and I need to do some "monkey patching" to add convenience functions to some Django models from another library.

I've been doing this stuff in my Django app's file, which seems to work fine for the monkey patching, but doesn't work for my Signal disconnecting. The problem appears to be one of timing--for whatever reason the Third Party Library always seems to call its Signal.connect() after I try to Signal.disconnect() it.

So two questions:

Do I have any guarantee based on the order of my INSTALLED_APPS the order of when my app's module is loaded?

Is there a proper place to put logic that needs to run after Django apps have been fully loaded into memory?


  • In Django 1.7, Apps can implement the ready() method.