I have successfully followed the rauth OAuth1 examples to get my access tokens, and hence retrieve data from the fatsecret API. I store my access_token and access_token_secret in a shelve database. My problem is that I am receiving an "invalid signature" error when I try to use my stored tokens to retrieve more data later on.
Here is my original script to get tokens and retrieve the exercise_entries.get
from rauth.service import OAuth1Service
import shelve
api_url = 'http://platform.fatsecret.com/rest/server.api'
shelf = shelve.open('token_shelf.db')
fatsecret = OAuth1Service(
consumer_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
consumer_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
name = 'fatsecret',
request_token_url = 'http://www.fatsecret.com/oauth/request_token',
access_token_url = 'http://www.fatsecret.com/oauth/access_token',
authorize_url = 'http://www.fatsecret.com/oauth/authorize')
request_token, request_token_secret = fatsecret.get_request_token(
method = 'GET',
params = {'oauth_callback':'oob'})
authorize_url = fatsecret.get_authorize_url(request_token)
print 'Visit this URL in your browser: ' + authorize_url
pin = raw_input('Enter PIN from browser: ')
shelf['fatsecret_request_token'] = request_token
shelf['fatsecret_request_token_secret'] = request_token_secret
shelf['fatsecret_pin'] = pin
session = fatsecret.get_auth_session(
params={'oauth_verifier': pin}
shelf['fatsecret_access_token'] = session.access_token
shelf['fatsecret_access_token_secret'] = session.access_token_secret
my_params = {'method': 'exercise_entries.get', 'format': 'json'}
r = session.get(api_url, params=my_params)
print r.json()
print r.content
I then try to restore my access_token and access_token_secret from the shelf and open a new session, but I am told I have an invalid signature.
from rauth.service import OAuth1Service
import shelve
api_url = 'http://platform.fatsecret.com/rest/server.api'
shelf = shelve.open('token_shelf.db')
fs_access_token = shelf['fatsecret_access_token']
fs_access_token_secret = shelf['fatsecret_access_token']
fatsecret = OAuth1Service(
consumer_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
consumer_secret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx',
name = 'fatsecret',
request_token_url = 'http://www.fatsecret.com/oauth/request_token',
access_token_url = 'http://www.fatsecret.com/oauth/access_token',
authorize_url = 'http://www.fatsecret.com/oauth/authorize')
session = fatsecret.get_session((fs_access_token,fs_access_token_secret))
my_params = {'method': 'exercise_entries.get', 'format': 'json'}
r = session.get(api_url,params=my_params)
print r.content
print r.url
This returns r.content
{ "error": {"code": 8, "message": "Invalid signature: oauth_signature 'ccZpSYAPSn+umkTxcAVH7EChVvw='" }}
and r.url
The only thing that catches my eye is that the r.url parameters do not seem to be lexigraphically sorted, but I don't know if that accurately reflects what was sent to fatsecret, and anyway it worked fine in the first script.
I have tried something similar using OAuth1Session instead of OAuth1Service
, but I receive exactly the same results.
I'd appreciate any help to get this working.
I checked this code countless times and couldn't find anything wrong. As I added in extra printing for debugging I noticed that I retrieved access_token twice on line 6 of my re-use session. After all that it was just a typo.
fs_access_token = shelf['fatsecret_access_token']
fs_access_token_secret = shelf['fatsecret_access_token']
fs_access_token = shelf['fatsecret_access_token']
fs_access_token_secret = shelf['fatsecret_access_token_secret']
So the above code is actually a good demonstration of authenticating with the fatsecret api with python.