
Friendly ID - undefined method `slug=' for

I am using the gems Workflow, Paper Trail and Friend ID.

To track the state changes using Paper Trail, I have overridden the persist_workflow_state to explicitly update the workflow column, so that Paper Trail can capture the change.

def persist_workflow_state(new_value)
  update_attribute self.class.workflow_column, new_value

Now, I have introduced Friendly ID without slug column, and I get the error, upon reaching the above method.

undefined method `slug=' for #<ModelName:0x007f81cf342cd8>

Any help?


  • Now, I have introduced Friendly ID without slug column

    I don't know exactly what you mean here, but simply, it's like trying to start a car without the key


    The way FriendlyID works is to use a slug (or other identifier) column to both create the slugged URL, and find based off the slugged ID:

    extend FriendlyId
    friendly_id :name, use: [:slugged, :finders]

    This allows the gem to find based off either the id or the slug attribute

    If you miss out the slug column, this will prevent this from working, causing your error. The ways to fix this are:

    1. Use the slug column
    2. Create a slug attribute using attr_accessor

    If you'd like to try the second option, you could try this:

    attr_accessor :slug