I have a list of Northing and Easting points
MapNorth MapEast
439624 504743
439622 504736
439722 504775
439738 504739
439715 504774
439734 504739
439711 504773
439728 504739
439705 504773
439724 504739
439699 504773
439718 504743
439694 504773
439713 504743
439688 504776
439708 504742
439680 504773
439703 504743
439674 504774
439698 504742
439668 504773
439693 504743
439663 504773
439688 504740
I am using Esri ArcMap JavaScript API. I would like to work out how to zoom to an area of the map that will display all of these points. I am not sure where to start. Would anyone be able to point me into the right direction.
Thanks Lars. Simple when u know how!!
function updateExtent(){
var myMultiPoint = {"geometry":{"points":[[123456,976543],[445355,345345], [3425424,234234]],"spatialReference":7700},"symbol":{"color":[255,255,255,64],
"size":12,"angle":0,"xoffset":0,"yoffset":0,"type":"esriSMS","style":"esriSMSCircle", "outline":{"color":[0,0,0,255],"width":1,"type":"esriSLS","style":"esriSLSSolid"}}};
myMap.graphics.add(new esri.Graphic(myMultiPoint));