I have an audio track in AIFF format. I would like to open this audio file with Python, and import the amplitudes of the sound and perform some mathematical analysis such as Fourier Transform, etc.
Throughout my search, I have found scipy.io.wavfile
, which works for WAV audio files.
Obviously, I can convert the AIFF into a WAV file, but I would like to import the AIFF file directly, if possible.
As a side question: are there some more specific (by specific, I mean better than Python) programming languages to perform such kind of analysis and acquisition of audio files?
Python comes with AIFF support as part of the standard library -- see the aifc module.
This module provides support for reading and writing AIFF and AIFF-C files. AIFF is Audio Interchange File Format, a format for storing digital audio samples in a file. AIFF-C is a newer version of the format that includes the ability to compress the audio data.
Depending on what your end goals are, you may be more productive using a tool like PureData that's designed just for working with audio and has things like reading audio files and performing ffts as primitives.