
could not resolve hostname with scp

I am accessing an ubuntu server over ssh with putty on my windows machine and trying to download a single file to my local windows machine

my windows username is Mark and my hostname per cmd is Marks I am trying the following command on the remote server

scp backup.sql mark@marks:desktop

and I get could not resolve hostname I have tried to put in what I think myip address is and the connection times out


  • binarysubstrate is right about the syntax. The problem is, if the OP puts the name (or address) of his windows client in the 'to' part of the scp command, it probably won't work for a number of reasons:

    1. his windows machine may not have a resolvable FQDN,
    2. his windows machine may be behind a NAT firewall that is not setup to port-forward SSH requests,
    3. he probably does not have an SSH daemon running on his windows machine.

    To simply copy a file from the remote server down to a windows client, I would recommend WinSCP.