
how to set help utility for my own command in batchfile?

I want to know that how can i set help utility in my own batch file command. I am using windows 7 operating system. we can check the syntax of command in windows command promt by just typing

help "command name"


help attrib

so i have created batch file which takes path/folder name as argument and setting it as hidden and system file. The code has three line

@echo off
attrib %1 +s +h
echo File/Folder hide successfully...

i saved it as "hide.bat" at C:\windows\system32 so i can use it from any directory. But i want to know that how can i set help utility for my command. i want to display

attrib [file/folder name] +s +h
+ to set an attribute

when user type

help hide

hide is my command name(batch file name)

I have changed my code to display help content when user pass blank argument

@echo off
IF ["%1"]==[""] goto showhelp
goto done

attrib "%1" +s +h
echo File/Folder hide successfully...
goto close

echo attrib [file/folder name] +s +h
echo + to set an attribute


But it is not enough for me i want to display my help content when user type

help hide

so tell me how can i set it?


  • Yes, it is possible. Save this as help.bat and put it a folder that is earlier in the PATH than the \windows\system32 folder.

    There may be an earlier folder already - type set path and look at the folders before system32 - or you can add one yourself.

    @echo off
    if /i "%~1"=="hide" (
       echo attrib [file/folder name] +s +h
       echo + to set an attribute
      ) else (
       "%Windir%\system32\help" %*