
How to publish additional artifact with sbt (one-jar)

I am new to scala and sbt. I managed to create an executable jar with one-jar plugin.

I am trying to publish this additional (one-jar) artifact to artifactory, but I am not able to do that. Does anybody know how to do that?

I had a look at but I was not able to get it to work.

(play 2.1.2, sbt 0.12.3, scala 2.10)


  • I added the following to build.sbt and it worked fine.

    artifact in (Compile, oneJar) ~= { art =>
    art.copy(`classifier` = Some("one-jar"))
    addArtifact(artifact in (Compile, oneJar), oneJar)

    and then

    sbt publish

    Published the jar to Artifactory.