
Zumero: Can I use a different database in the Cloud (big), then on the device (small) or only an exact replicate?

I'm at the point of giving Zumero a shot. I have downloaded the Zumero Client SDK for the cloud and was going through the getting started and zumero_core. I am wondering if my impression of Zumero is correct and if it is not recommended to use Zumero in my use case.

My impression: Zumero makes an exact replicate of the SQLite database on the Client in the Cloud. It keeps these two in sync. (with zumero_sync())

My Use-Case: Reservation app, so there is one big database and every consumer will only have her records locally. So a small part of the big database, the consumer can't have access to the other data. So I wanted to provide certain columns and rows with sync capability.

Is it true that Zumero replicates and by this can not help me to achieve my use case, or am I missing something?


  • With Zumero-in-the-cloud, no, you can't directly do that. You'd need to create separate DBFiles per customer.

    Zumero for SQL Server does allow server-side filtering, so you could filter per-user, choose a subset of columns that the user can see, etc.