I need to migrate from my home SQL Server 2012 Express server to SQL Server 2008 instance at my hoster.
I tried to save backup my server and restore db on hosters server, but server threw exception about SQL Server version compatibility.
Then I have gone to another way and installed on my server SQL Server 2008 R2 (v10.50). In Management Studio, I have connected to both servers and I have made export data from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2008 R2. Exporting was successful and I was happy.
Then I have edited my web.config and IIS settings for my site. I have opened my website and logined to umbraco. All was well, but after I have edited my doctype and clicked save. Umbraco has shown me the YSOD page. With text similar to this:
Can`t insert value NULL in column "id" the table "MyTable.dbo.umbracoLog"; in column denied values NULL. Error in INSERT.
I can`t understand how to fix this problem.
P.S.: I can`t attach photo because my karma is too low, but I can write links. This is the screenshot of YSOD. It is write on Russian =)
Regards, Anton (Siberia)
You need to generate scripts and data inserts for your target database version (2008). See the following post for details: