I'm using ELASTISLIDE – A RESPONSIVE JQUERY CAROUSEL PLUGIN The plugin works perfectly on my site. but i need to stop sliding when mouseover
Below code for autoplay sliding
// autoplay true || false
autoplay : true,
if(this.options.autoplay == true){
var translation = 0;
// width/height of an item ( <li> )
var itemSpace = this.options.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.$items.outerWidth( true ) : this.$items.outerHeight( true );
// total width/height of the <ul>
var totalSpace = this.itemsCount * itemSpace;
// visible width/height
var visibleSpace = this.options.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.$carousel.width() : this.$carousel.height();
//slide auto
//test if we should go to next slide or return to first slide
if(totalSpace > translation + visibleSpace)
//go to next slide
//update translation
translation += visibleSpace;
//return to first slide
//set translation to 0
translation = 0;
}, 7000);
Thanks for helping
1: Add variable for timer..
var slide_timer; // Add variable to component
2: move window.setInterval
part to own function (startAutoslide
) and assign value to slide_timer in that like:
slide_timer = window.setInterval(function()...
3: Add onmouseover
and onmouseout
listeners for component. In mouseover call clearInterval(slide_timer)
and in onmouseout
call startAutoslide