
Where is the location updates taken from for startMonitoringforRegion?

Using CLLocation Manager I want to implement startMonitoringforRegion.

Where is the Location update received from to used to determine whether user enters or leaves the region is taken from for the locationManager:didEnterRegion: and locationManager:didExitRegion:?

Does the methods startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges or startUpdatingLocation affect the location used to determine the Region Monitoring?

Please check this question for the reference to the answer. Region monitoring how when why? I have found the answer by going through the apple-docs and I am attaching the link to which I have answered the a question which pretty much contains the specifics of my question


  • Go with startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges

    If you do not need the high accuracy highly up-to-dated use startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges. It is also recommended by Apple in most cases at it preserves battery and in most cases is sufficient enough. More information here - highly worth reading, it will solve all your doubts.