I built podofo-0.9.2 using the standard cmake and make install procedure. I have include files in the /usr/include/podofo directory. I added it to my path. Then I tried to compile the podofotxtextract example by using the following syntax.
cd podofo/tools/podofotxtextract
g++ -c -Wall TextExtractor.cpp TextExtractor.h podofotxtextract.cpp -lpodofo -lfreetype
-lfontconfig -ljpeg -lz
But for some reason the compilation fails saying :
podofo.h - no such file or directory
This is the value of my path
Maybe I'm missing something. I have linked the libraries. I have even included it in the path. What am I missing?
I think that you miss the -I
to set the include path. It's a compilation error, not a linker one.