
Not able to create dynamic subnode using jstree functionality

Changed the Title in 2023, as it is mentioned oFF-Topic. But Wanted to Informed the functionality existed, I have worked on the functionality and replied with the answer for my question.

Please verify the fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/samueltoepke/wh72zf8b/ to better understand the issue mentioned.

Ian newbie to jquery, iam working with jstree. I am able to create tree with first of values but iam able to create childnodes to the childs present in the same tree.

i could do this

but i couldnot do this through code

i tried the following code.

$('#jstreedemo').jstree('create_node', 1, 'inside', 'mytreeval1', node_callback(), true); function node_callback(){alert("Iam here");}

creating tree and adding nodes are in different functions();

How to acheive this? anyone help me out with this.


  • this has worked for me

      var position = 'inside';
      var parent = $('#jstreedemo').jstree('get_selected');
      var newNode = { state: "open", data: {'mydata'} };
      $('#jstreedemo').jstree("create_node", parent, position, newNode, false, false);