
Node ORM2 Test Hangs

I have a simple test or Node ORM and the application runs and creates the record. But it sits at the command prompt afterwards:

var orm = require("orm");

orm.connect('mysql://un-app:unpwd@localhost/dbn', function(err, db) {
     var User  = db.define('user', {
        id              : Number,
        first_name      : String,
        last_name       : String,
        email           : String,
        added_on        : Date,
        active          : Number,
        password        : String,
    }) ; 

    var newUser = {
        first_name: 'Ed'
        , last_name: 'Davis'
        , email: ''
        , added_on: new Date().getTime()
        , password: 'test' // encrypt('test')

    User.create(newUser, function (err, user) {

It just sits there:

C:\Users\todd\Documents\web\nodeTest\app>node create-user.js

I am using windows - so a control-c gets me out of it. But that cannot be right, can it? Why is the application waiting there?


  • Supposedly you need to close the database connection explicitly to allow the control to fall through:

    User.create(newUser, function (err, user) {
            console.log('end of connect')   

    Can somebody elaborate why?