
Translating first plural form in ZF1

With ZF1, if you have plural forms, do you have to pass an array to $this->translate(), even if you just want the first plural form (i.e. singular)?

When I do this: $this->translate('Tournament'), it returns an array instead of a string.

If so, then I have to do something like: $this->translate(array('Tournament', 'Tournaments', 1)), which is quite silly, as the 2nd form will never be used.


  • As far as I can tell, it does work like that. :-(

    I'm going to update Zend_Translate_Adapter as follows:


            // return original translation
            if ($plural === null) {
                $this->_routed = array();
                return $this->_translate[$locale][$messageId];


            // return original translation
            if ($plural === null) {
                $this->_routed = array();
                $translation = $this->_translate[$locale][$messageId];
                if (is_array($translation)) {
                    return $translation[0];
                return $translation;