I'm creating a basic jQuery slideshow for my website using the Widget Factory.
$('#front-page-slideshow .slides-container').slideShow({});
Once the widget has been initiated, how can I get the selector that initiated it? Thanks.
$.widget('DDUI.slideShow', {
options : {
automatic: true, // Whether or not the slideShow is automatic
speed: '3000' // The transition speed of the slides
}, // options
* Constructor
_create : function(){
var caller = ???
// 'caller' should be either string '#front-page-slideshow .slides-container'
// or object '$('#front-page-slideshow .slides-container')'
} // _create
A reference to a jQuery object containing the DOM element is available as a property of the instance as this.element
As explained in the _create method documentation :
There are no parameters, but this.element and this.options are already set.