I am using the PHP Google client library. I successfully get a token and refresh token from user/google to use with the API. As soon as the user revokes the permission for my website in Googles settings on the Google page i get following error:
Error calling GET https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList: (401) Invalid Credentials
That is expected behavior since the user revoked my permission. However, how do I detect that a user revoked that access?
Currently i do the following to see if i have access:
//$token json fetched from database
if ($gclient->getAccessToken())
//i should have access
Well this code unfortunately does not detect the revoked permission. How can i handle that?
Google APIs should only return 401 for lack of authorization. Since you had authorization before, receiving a 401 is a reliable indication that the user has revoked access.
Are you looking for a detection mechanism that notifies you of such changes before you make the API call? Today there is not a push notification mechanism from Google that can inform your application of such events. Of course, a pull-based mechanism is not useful -- you can simply make the API call and handle the 401 more efficiently.