
Chrome, Chromium, Firefox requesting page twice on QtWebApp

I'm trying to create a simple web app server using QtWebApp, but Chrome, Firefox and chromium always requesting the page twice

HttpListener: Listening on port 8084
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): constructed
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): constructed
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): thread started
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): handle new connection
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): received request
request start --> with chrome/firefox/chromium
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): thread started
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): handle new connection
request end
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): received request
request start --> i'm not refreshing the page but this appear
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): read timeout occured
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): disconnected
request end
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): read timeout occured
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): disconnected
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): thread stopped
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): destroyed
HttpConnectionHandlerPool: Removed connection handler (0x6436e0), pool size is now 1
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): handle new connection
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): received request
request start --> when using curl
request end
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): disconnected
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): disconnected
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): read timeout occured
HttpConnectionHandler (0x642770): disconnected
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): thread stopped
HttpConnectionHandler (0x6436e0): destroyed

my response from curl was just:

> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
> Host: localhost:8084
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

while on the Chrome Developer Tools > Network tab, it seen only requested once.

the source: How to create QtWebApp application

Is this browser's problem or Controller's class?


  • As Florian Sowade said on the comment, the second request was /favicon.ico