
How to get Google Prettify to render more like Visual Studio

I'm using Googles excellent Code Prettify and I'm quite happy with it.

But: Does anybody happen to have a alternate CSS stylesheet so it'll render a bit more like Visual Studios default coloring? Green comments, red text/strings, etc.


  • It took me a while but I replicated exactly my Visual Studio's color configuration. Enjoy.

    .com       { color: #008000; }
    .str, .tag { color: #A31515; }
    .kwd, .atv { color: #0000FF; }
    .typ       { color: #2B91AF; }
    .lit, .atn { color: #FF0000; }
    .pun, .pln { color: #000000; }
    .dec       { color: #800080; }

    Comments are green, strings/tags reddish, keywords blue, types bluish, numbers red, punctuation black, declarations purple.