
How to fix Eclipse autocomplete not working

The autocomplete of eclipse is not working now and I searched for hours but I couldn't find an answer to solve it. I haven't used it for long time then the first thing after opening it was to install SWT and windows builder even though I had swing installed. What I mean is, it is may possibly be because of some conflict caused by swt and swing(I read something about a conflict but I don't if this is possible).

Strange thing is it doesn't show anything when I press ctrl+space but when I go Edit-> Content Assist -> Default(it says Ctrl+Space nearby it), it shows things needed to be shown/works as desired.

public class Dsada {
    String sssss;
    public Dsada(){
        sss //pressing ctrl+space is not working,Edit->ContentAssist->Default works fine

The solution is not to tick/untick some stuff under Windows->Preferences->...->Content Assist-> Advanced. I checked if "ctrl+space" is hijacked by some other thing which is not and checked keyboard language which is English (Those are suggested in mkyong).

I read something about a bug but I couldn't understand. I tried to delete eclipse and re-install again but I guess some settings just stayed in the machine so that it didn't work.


  • The hot key combination ctrl+space might be conflict with other settings in system if you are using windows.

    Try modify this combination like alt+/, i always use this one since the first time i knew eclipse. It works well.

    Hope it works for you.