
How to Iterate through HashMap in MyBatis foreach?

I'm trying to produce a sql which is as below in mybatis.

WHERE (COL_A, COL_B) in ( ('kp','kar'),('srt','sach'));

And my input parameter type is HashMap. Now How do I generate SQL from mapper xml file. The below code throws exception saying map evaluated to null.

<select id="selectCOLC" parameterType="java.util.HashMap" resultType="String">
    WHERE (COL_A, COL_B) in 
    <foreach item="item" collection="#{map.keySet()}" open="((" separator="),(" close="))">

One of the other approach is to create a class with key value fields, create a list of object and then pass the parameterType as list which would look like following.

<select id="selectCOLC" parameterType="list" resultType="String">
        SELECT COL_C
        FROM TBLE_1
        WHERE (COL_A, COL_B) in 
        <foreach item="item" collection="list" open="((" separator="),(" close="))">

But is there any way to my mapper work for the first approach? other than changing the query to union


  • This solution doesn't work since version 3.2 - see more in Issue #208 !

    Finally I've the solution for HashMap

    I Should use entrySet() in order to make it iteratable

    <select id="selectCOLC" parameterType="map" resultType="kpMap">
        SELECT COL_C
        FROM TBLE_1
        WHERE (COL_A, COL_B) in 
        <foreach item="item" collection="entries.entrySet()" open="((" separator="),(" close="))">

    One more Isue I was facing parameter name was not getting injected, Hence added @Param annotation

    Hence mapper interface looks like below.

    List<TblData> selectCOLC(@Param("entries")
                HashMap<String, String> entries)