Is there any way in which I can write to a file from my Java jar to an S3 folder where my reduce files would be written ? I have tried something like:
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
FSDataOutputStream FS = fs.create(new Path("S3 folder output path"+"//Result.txt"));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(FS);
Here Result.txt is the new file which I would want to write.
Answering my own question:-
I found my mistake.I should be passing the URI of S3 folder path to the fileSystem Object like below:-
FileSystem fileSystem = FileSystem.get(URI.create(otherArgs[1]),conf);
FSDataOutputStream fsDataOutputStream = fileSystem.create(new Path(otherArgs[1]+"//Result.txt"));
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fsDataOutputStream);
writer.write("\n Average Delay:"+averageDelay);