I have used google app engine with django application. I have been using the user api from google to login in my website and also getting the current user email address from that, but i have to get profile picture which is uploded on the google plus account.
I am getting their profile picture using,
<img src="https://plus.google.com/s2/photos/profile/<user_id>?sz=100" width="100" height="100">
in google api.
User class also provides user_id
but I cannot get their profile picture using that user_id
<user_id> and user_id of user class of Google API
is different.
How to get the profile picture in my application?
If you are asking the about the ids...
My GoogleID according to user_id()
is xxx8005350796570706xx
and my Google Plus profile ID is 102445631084043565507
which are totally different
You need to ask the user for his G+ profile or authenticate him via oAth2.0 to get permissions to read his profile.
Also if you have his email address you could use GAvatar.