is there a way to set Key-Value String Map/Pair in JCombobox Netbeans Swing Matisse using GUI only ?
Below screenshot allow to insert single list
but is there a way to insert Map/Key-Value String Pair using Matisse GUI instead of code like
Value - Display
_____ _____
ITEM1 - Item 1
ITEM2 - Item 2
ITEM3 - Item 3
ITEM4 - Item 4
as in HTML select option tag stored value and display value.
So that why i am asking about using GUI not Code
Don't depend on an IDE to write/generate your code for you. The code will never be portable.
Maybe you can create a text file of all you key/value pairs. Then you create a simple routine that reads each file parses the data and adds a custom object to the ComboBoxModel.
For an example of such a custom object check out Combo Box With Hidden Data. It is a simple object that overrides the toString() method to display the value in the combo box.
And for those that suggest you should be using a custom Renderer, well they are only half right. Check out Combo Box With Custom Renderer which allows you to use a custom renderer without breaking the default functionality of the combo box.