I have spent many days googling around and have been unable to find an answer to the following question: How do you configure SVN on Mac OSX to compare users and passwords against its built-in keychain?
I have seen a lot of questions regarding configuring the SVN client, but haven't seen if anyone can recommend how to configure a repository to check the Mac OSX keychain for the supplied user/password.
What I really want is to not have to set up a password every time I make a new repository. I just want to decide who on this SVN server (where users are already created for SSH/SMB access) has access to this repository or else grant everyone access to all repositories which is even better for me.
We have a central server running OSX and a apache2 daemon as well as an svnserved. We will be logging in from Windows 7 computers using TortoiseSVN. Every user has a username/password to access the OSX server already for Samba storage.
I assume this is something that gets configured in the /conf/svnserve.conf file under authz-db but I cannot figure out what option to select.
Edit: svnserve --version = 1.6.17
will be only one command =
string for single user