My model is essentially
I have added 'Q' promises to many of the node-orm functions to program in that manner. So find is now qFind etc...
I am struggling to find the best way to persist this to the DB (MySql):
User.qGet(1004).then(function(user) {
var newIdea = new Idea({
'openedOn': new Date()
newIdea.setUser(user, console.log)
Idea.qCreate(newIdea).then(function(idea) {
_.each(positions, function(position) {
Security.qFind({ticker: position.ticker}).then(function(securities){
var security = securities[0]
Direction.qFind({direction: position.direction}).then(function(directions){
var direction = directions[0]
var newPosition = Position({
'weight': 1
newPosition.setIdea(idea, console.log)
newPosition.setDirection(direction, console.log)
newPosition.setSecurity(security, console.log)
}) // Direction.qFind
}) // Security.qFind
}) // _.each
}) // Idea.qCreate
}) // User.find
Here are my problems
[Error: ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR: Column 'directionId' cannot be null]
The issue is I need to set three foreign keys in this object... 2. Is this the right approach to saving nested objects?
I have decided to embrace the use of promises, and the Q library
Step 1 adding q nbind to interesting methods in my orm model. for instance:
model = db.models.direction
model['qFind'] = Q.nbind(model['find'], model);
Step 2 was adding instance methods to my Models to:
setDirectionByName: function(direction) {
var _this = this;
var internalSuccess = function(directions) {
_this.direction = directions[0]
_this.directionId = directions[0].id
return directions
return {
then: function(externalSuccess, externalFail) {
var success = _.compose(externalSuccess, internalSuccess)
Direction.qFind({direction: direction}).then(success, externalFail)
in this step i define an internal success method which stores the properties, and return a promise which utilizes composition to form an overall success function (the one from my model inside of the one passed to the 'then' invocation.
Step 3: handling the request and saving the data
User.qGet(1004).then(function(user) {
var newIdea = new Idea({
'openedOn': new Date()
newIdea.setUser(user, function(){})
Idea.qCreate(newIdea).then(function(idea) {
var positionPromises =, function(position) {
var newPosition = Position({
'weight': 1
Here I set the foreign keys, and wait for them to complete, before the Position.create is asynchronously kicked off, with a promise being returned.
return Q.all([
, newPosition.setSecurityByTicker(position.ticker)
]).then(function(noop) {
return Position.qCreate(newPosition)
}) //
SO then with an array of promises for Position objects. Here I am going to wait for them all to fill, prior to returning the results tot he client
console.log('RESULTS of POSITION Promises')
//This doesn't seem to work as expected
//idea.setPositions(positions, function(e, o){ })
// kludge it
idea.positions = positions
console.log('/RESULTS of POSITION Promises')
console.log('FALL THROUGH')
}) // Idea.qCreate
}) // User.find