
Why isn't calling wait(), notify() or notifyAll() without a synchronized block not a compiler error?

If we call wait(), notify() or notifyAll() on an object without a synchronized block, we get an IllegalMonitorStateException at runtime.

Why doesn't the compiler flag me if I try to call these methods without a synchronized block?


  • Calling those methods only requires that the current thread be the owner of the object`s monitor. However, that could mean calling a method without synchronized from within the context of another synchronized block.

    For example:

    public void doWait(Object o) {
        o.wait(); // you would like the compiler to flag this
    // but in this case it is valid

    In general, there is now way to know at compile time whether any piece of code will be executed when the current thread does not hold a particular monitor, which is likely why the compiler does not even try to flag this.