Removing Bugtracker Integration from SVN\Visual Studio

I have used TortoiseSVN_integration.bat to integrate SVN with Bugtracker and ultimately Visual Studio.

svn propset -R bugtraq:label "BugTracker.NET ID:" .
svn propset -R bugtraq:url "http://DOMAINNAME/edit_bug.aspx?id=%%BUGID%%" .
svn propset -R bugtraq:message "bugid: %%BUGID%%" .
svn propset -R bugtraq:number "true" .
svn propset -R bugtraq:warnifnoissue "true" .
svn commit -q -m "Added BugTracker.NET properties to the repository"

Also see the following pic: I'd like to remove this integration as it's no longer needed. How do I do that? Thanks


  • Use propdel to remove all bugtraq related properties, starting at the root of your working copy, or wherever you ran the batch file from.

    Make sure you run include the -R option since your propset command was also recursive, then commit and you should be done.

    Another option is to use Windows Explorer -> TortoiseSVN -> Properties on the root directory folder, then multi-select the bugtrack properties, click Remove, then Recursive, then commit.