I am trying to list all the items in my Amazon S3 bucket. I have several nested directories in it.
Each subdirectory contains several files. I need to get a nested array with this file structure.
I'm using the Amazon AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.2
This is my code:
$dir = 's3://bucketname';
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
echo $file->getType() . ': ' . $file . "\n";
However, the result only lists files lying in the bucket, not files lying in directories/subdirectories (files with prefixes) or the directories itself.
If I iterate through ($dir.'/folder')
there is no result at all.
I I pass RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST
as the second argument to the constructor of the iterator, I get only first level directories – no subdirectories.
How can I use the AWS stream wrapper and the PHP RecursiveIterator to list all the files in all the directories in my bucket?
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you!
I had the same problem, and I solved this using:
use \Aws\S3\StreamWrapper;
use \Aws\S3\S3Client;
private $files = array();
private $s3path = 'YOUR_BUCKET';
private $s3key = 'YOUR_KEY';
private $s3auth = 'YOUR_AUTH_CODE';
public function recursive($path)
$dirHandle = scandir($path);
foreach($dirHandle as $file)
if(is_dir($path.$file."/") && $file != '.' && $file != '..')
$this->files[$path.$file] = $path.$file;
public function registerS3()
$client = S3Client::factory(array(
'key' => $this->s3key,
'secret' => $this->s3auth
$wp = new StreamWrapper();
public function run()
$folder = 's3://'.$this->s3path.'/';
Now, if you do a DUMP in $this->files, should show all the files on the bucket.