
Scraping WebObjects website & REST

I need to programmatically interact with a WebObjects website and extract data from the responses. The particular WebObjects site I am scraping uses component actions and stores sessions in cookies (not urls). This means that all urls look something like this:

My first questions are:

  1. Does urls like this not completely destroy local and shared caching opportunities (cachable constraint in REST)? I imaging the only effective caching with such urls is the WebObjects server itself.
  2. Isn't addressability broken as well? Each resource does have a unique endpoint, but it changes constantly. Furthermore (I think) that WebObjects also makes too old URLs invalid since they "time-out" after a period of time. I'm not sure whether this applies only to urls with sessions though.

Regarding the scraping I am not sure whether it's possible to extract any meaningful endpoints from the website. For example, with a normal website I would look through the HTML and extract the POST urls, then use them in my scraper by posting directly to them instead of going through the normal request-response cycle.

In this case I obviously cannot use any URLs extracted from the HTML since they are dynamically generated on each request, but I read something about being able to access WebObjects components directly if the security settings have not been set to disallow this (see, p. 53 "Limitations on Direct requests"). I don't understand exactly how to do this though or if it's even possible.

If it's not possible what would be a good approach then? The only options I can think of is:

I am interested in opinions on how to approach this scenario since I don't believe any of the solutions above are particularly good.


  • You've asked a number of questions, and I'll see if I can cover each in turn.

    Does urls like this not completely destroy local and shared caching opportunities (cachable constraint in REST)? I imaging the only effective caching with such urls is the WebObjects server itself.

    There is, indeed, a page cache within the WebObjects application server, and you're right to observe that these component action URLs probably thwart any other kind of caching. Additionally, even though the session ID is not present in the URL, you'd need the session ID in the cookie to re-create the same page, so having just that URL would get you a session restoration error from the application server.

    Isn't addressability broken as well? Each resource does have a unique endpoint, but it changes constantly.

    Well, yes, on the face of it this is true. You've given a component action URL as an example, and they're tied to the session.

    Furthermore (I think) that WebObjects also makes too old URLs invalid since they "time-out" after a period of time. I'm not sure whether this applies only to urls with sessions though.

    Again, all true. Component action URLs generate sessions, and sessions time out.

    At this point, let me take a quick diversion. I'm assuming you're not the owner of the WebObjects application—you're talking about having to scrape a WebObjects app, and you've identified some ways in which this particular app doesn't conform to REST principles. You're completely right—a fully component-action-based WebObjects application won't be RESTful. WebObjects pre-dates REST by a few years. Having said that, there are ways in which a WebObjects application can be completely RESTful:

    Of course, none of this will help you if you're just trying to scrape a legacy application.

    Regarding the scraping I am not sure whether it's possible to extract any meaningful endpoints from the website. For example, with a normal website I would look through the HTML and extract the POST urls, then use them in my scraper by posting directly to them instead of going through the normal request-response cycle.

    Again, if it's a fully component action-based application, you're right—all those URLs will be dynamically generated and useless to you.

    In this case I obviously cannot use any URLs extracted from the HTML since they are dynamically generated on each request, but I read something about being able to access WebObjects components directly if the security settings have not been set to disallow this…

    That's talking about getting a component to render directly from its template with some restrictions:

    I'm not sure you're going to find anything better than the types of high-level functional approaches you've already suggested above, such as automating at the browser level with Selenium. If what you need is REST-style direct addressability of resources within the application, you're not going to get that unless you can re-write the application to use direct actions or ERRest where you need them.