I have a column in database like;
My code;
SELECT SUM(CAST(new_profittl as DECIMAL(18,2)))
FROM new_hotelreservation AS R
WHERE DATEADD(hour, DATEDIFF(hour, getUTCdate(), GETDATE()),R.new_salesdate)
BETWEEN @bas AND @bit AND R.statecode=0
I have to sum this field. The field is NVARCHAR and separated with comma, not dot. so I can't sum this field. I tried to convert or to cast to decimal but it didn't. It gave an error 'Error converting data type nvarchar to numeric.'.
How could I sum this field?
In the short run, this should do the trick:
sum(cast(replace(new_profitt1, ',', '.') as decimal(18,2)))
However, I can see any number of comlications coming up from this (multiple commas, no commas, embedded spaces, etc. etc.), so keep an eye on it.