
How to search across a directory of files in vim?

A common programming task for me in vim is:

:s/some pattern/

do some work

n # finds the next entry

do some work

n # finds the next entry ...

Now, s/.... only searches in the current file.

Is there a way I can do this, but search across a directory of files? Say do "s/..../" over all files in subdirectoires of pwd that ends in .hpp of .cpp ?



  • You can simply use the :grep command: or for a more complete integration of search tools, use the grep.vim extension.

    Simply type :help grep to get a nice documentation of what is available out of the box in Vim. Using :grep foo *.?pp should do what you want. This will open the QuickFix list, just like the one you get using :make, enabling to jump to the found occurrences.