I used small-bet-nextpeer SDK for real money challenge in game. It shows multiple tournament, how to avoid multiple and add name to one ?
Here is my Small-Bet initialisation code:
[Nextpeer setSmallBetSandboxKey:SMALL_BET_SANDBOX_KEY andProductionKey:SMALL_BET_PRODUCTION_KEY];
[Nextpeer initializeWithProductKey:NEXT_PEER_GAME_KEY
andDelegates:[NPDelegatesContainer containerWithNextpeerDelegate:self notificationDelegate:self tournamentDelegate:self]];
Here is Screenshot:
Got solution.
To avoid multiple tournament, need to check in code:
-(BOOL)nextpeerSupportsTournamentWithId:(NSString* )tournamentUuid
if([tournamentUuid isEqualToString:@"NPA23903563215268043"])
return YES;
return NO;
We can edit tournament title in nextpeer website, not in small-bet.