I am trying to combine these two queries in CodeIgniter. The row either has to have the user_id
of $user
(eg 3 OR) have an id
in the $repost
array. I know how to use or_where()
but how do you do or_where_in()
$this->db->where("user_id", "$user");
if (isset($conditions["repost"])) {
$user_favourited = $conditions["repost"];
$this->db->where("user_id", $user_favourited);
$query = $this->db->get();
$id['posts'] = $query->result_array();
foreach ($id['posts'] as $post) {
$repost[] = $post['post_id'];
if (isset($repost)) {
$this->db->where_in('id', $repost);
or_where_in([$key = NULL[, $values = NULL[, $escape = NULL]]])
$key (string) – The field to search
$values (array) – The values searched on
$escape (bool) – Whether to escape values and identifiers
DB_query_builder instance
Return type:
Generates a WHERE field IN(‘item’, ‘item’) SQL query, joined with ‘OR’ if appropriate.
More information here: https://codeigniter.com/userguide3/database/query_builder.html?highlight=or_where_in#CI_DB_query_builder::or_where_in