
Rank by Views with MySQL

I love MySQL and I have been using it during the last 2 years. But now I'm stuck...

I have three tables

id | name  | views | folder_id
1  | car   | 274   |   1
2  | bike  | 100   |   1
3  | train | 120   |   2

id | name    | storage_id
1  | folder1 |     1
2  | folder2 |     2

id | name
1  | storage1
2  | storage2
3  | storage3

I would like to make a mysql query, so that the Storage's table is ordered by the total amount of views of all the files inside each folder which is inside a storage.

My first approach is to add the total views of each file grouping by the folder_id but then, how can I pass that value to the folders' table to then order the storage's table?

I'm sorry for my poor explanation. I'm still a noob.

The idea is to order de storage's table by the total amount of views of the files

Thanks in advance


  • Join the tables, group by Storage and sort by the total number of file views:

    SELECT      Storage.*
    FROM        Storage
      LEFT JOIN Folders ON Folders.storage_id =
      LEFT JOIN Files   ON Files.folder_id    =
    ORDER BY    SUM(Files.views) DESC

    See it on sqlfiddle.