
What kind of ogg does Android Chrome support?

I've found that I can only play some ogg vorbis files in Android Chrome. Most notably, I cannot play the ogg files generated by Mauz Kahn's demo here: https://www.webrtc-experiment.com/ffmpeg/wav-to-ogg.html I used his demo to create some test ogg files using Windows Chrome and I could play them back while I was using Window's Chrome, but I could not play those same audio files in Android Chrome. I've played other ogg vorbis files in Android chrome so I suspect there is a subtle issue in the parameters that Khan's demo invokes ffmpeg with.


  • I was able to play vorbis audio in Android Chrome by using the a web audio container and specifying the codec in the source tag. For more details see https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment/issues/159