Am I doing this correctly?
For example, I have an RGB(165,165,165)
and convert it to the HSL(Get (0, 0, 64.7)).
Actually I parse xml, and there I have two parameters lumMod = '60 000' and lumOff = '40 000' (As I know it means that I must multiply the L component by 0.6 and then add 0.4 to the L component)
Okey new_l = 0.647*0.6 + 0.4 = 0.7882
And now I convert back from HSL(0, 0, 78.8) to RGB(198, 198, 198)
Actually I need get RGB(183,183,183). Because it's right answer. Where I was wrong?
After all night debugging I have been founded answer for my question.
Thanks to King Salemno from this topic
The algorithm the charts are performing, the following steps are performed:
Obtain RGB of the base color they’re interested in (e.g. Accent 3)
Convert to HSL
Multiply the L component by lumMod
Add lumOff to the L component
Convert back to RGB
The same logic also applies to satMod, satOff, hueMod, & hueOff.
But for rgb-color, which have only one value for all levels (like as (255, 255, 255) or (123, 123, 123)) I change lumMod to lumMod = lumMod - 0.04(+-0.005)
and do the same for lumoff parameter.
So if I have RGB(165,165,165) and convert it to the HSL(0, 0, 0.647).
After I change HSL.L = HSL.L*(lumMod - 0.04) + (lumOff - 0.04) = 0.718
And now I convert back from HSL(0, 0, 0.718) to RGB(183,183,183)
I don't know why it work like this, but it work. I tried to find out it.