
Scrollable windows

I want scrollable panes.

Please, have a look at the picturepicture As you can see at the Navigator, I used Tabbed Pane, then placed Scroll Panes on it. Then placed Panel on it. And then added Lables. Looks like I'm trying to reach my left ear with my right foot. But without the jPanel1 my lable occupied the whole panel size.

Well now my scrollable panel doesn't work well.

It is visible at this picture.

Well, I made the window narrow. But the scroll bar at the bottom doesn't allow me to reach what is behind the border further on the right. And this scrollbar seems strange. It has only t left arrow. No right one. And no vertical scroll bar if I make the window less high.

Could you give me a hint how to make scrollable windows?


  • I'm not sure what you're doing wrong this is the results I get when I do only this and nothing more.

    1. Drag and drop a tabbed pane to the frame
    2. Drag and drop a scroll pane to the tabbed pane
    3. Drag and drop a panel to the scroll pane
    4. Drag and drop a label to the panel, and another label to the bottom.

    enter image description here

    Resize to smaller frame and scroll bars appear

    enter image description here

    Navigator Window

    enter image description here