
Qt ISODate formatted date/time including timezone

Does anyone know of a cleaner way to get the time zone included in the ISO string representation of a QDateTime?

I should be able to just use the following:

qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate);

but this always comes out in UTC format:


Currently, the way I'm working round this is to force the TimeSpec to be Qt::offsetFromUtc by explicitly setting the offset, which I'm getting from the QDateTime originally.

QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
int offset = now.offsetFromUtc();
qDebug() << now.toString(Qt::ISODate);

This gives what was originally expected:


Does anyone know how to do this in a cleaner way or must this be logged as a bug?

EDIT: I'm using Qt5.2.1


The following small program shows what I mean:

#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>

int main(int argc, int argv){
    qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate);
    qDebug() << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTimeSpec(Qt::OffsetFromUTC).toString(Qt::ISODate);

    QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
    int offset = now.offsetFromUtc();
    qDebug() << now.toString(Qt::ISODate);

    return 0;

The following output is generated:


The last line is the one that is expected. Please note that the second time has been converted to UTC, which is not what is wanted.


  • This had not been present before 5.2, but it was integrated in there. It seems that you got the syntax incorrect though because it should be like this:


    as per the corresponding bugreport. Note that toTimeSpec(Qt::OffsetFromUTC) call in the middle.