I'm using CodeIgniter for my project. I have this roadblock in from of me..
There's this method in my controller that I want to call every hour. Let's have that as:
class Notifs extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct() {
parent:: __construct();
// load stuff here
public function index() {
/* I want to call this function on an hourly basis */
public function check_overdue_stuffs() {
// do the checking here
I have absolutely no idea on how to implement this. I have tried using sleep($seconds)
but that was just a mess.
Any ideas for a perfectly awesome way to do this? A verbose example would be great. Thanks!
This is pretty straight forward, but don't look to just keeping it in your PHP code. You need to use a cronjob script (linux) or windows equivalent (on the server where your software lives).
Here is a simple cron you would add to pull a specific cli method:
# hourly cron
0 * * * * php /www/ciWebsite/index.php [controller] [method] >/dev/null 2>&1
That way, it runs the controller + method you want and output is dumped into /dev/null
Try running /www/ciWebsite/index.php notifs check_overdue_stuff
and see if it works (obviously update your path)