I need to get each of the checkboxes to be pre-selected in ValidForm Builder based on their default values if they have were selected when the record initially got written to the DB Table.
Here is my code:
$objType = $objGroup->addField('locationType', 'Location Type', VFORM_CHECK_LIST,
array('required' => true),
array('required' => 'Location Type is required'),
'fieldclass' => 'vf__inlineButtons',
'tip' => (($_SESSION['auth']['tips'] && $_POST['action'] != 'delete') ? VFB_TIP_LOCATIONS_LOCATIONTYPE : NULL),
(($_POST['action'] == 'delete') ? 'fieldDisabled' : 'fieldEnabled') => (($_POST['action'] == 'delete') ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'),
'default' => $default['locationType']
$objType->addField('Destination', 'D');
$objType->addField('Sales', 'S');
$objType->addField('Pickup/Dropoff', 'P');
$objType->addField('Both, Sales & Pickup/Dropoff', 'B');
Here's my trial & error attempts to get it to work:
(1) I removed the 'default' => $default['locationType']
and added 'checked'
to each $objType->addField()
. So In the code above, that is all 4 of the $objType->addField()
's have the 'checked'
element added to them. Result is only the last checkbox gets checked -- no success.
(2) I removed the 'default' => $default['locationType']
and added 'selected'
to each $objType->addField()
. So In the code above, that is all 4 of the $objType->addField()
's have the 'selected'
element added to them. Result is only the last checkbox gets checked -- no success.
(3) I removed the 'default' => $default['locationType']
and added 'checked' => 'checked'
to each $objType->addField()
. So In the code above, that is all 4 of the $objType->addField()
's have the 'checked' => 'checked'
element added to them. Result is the script generates nothing -- no success.
(4) I tried this too -- 'default' => array("D", "", "P", "")
-- no success.
(5) I tried this -- 'default' => array(true, false, true, false)
-- all boxes get checked -- no success.
(6) I tried this -- 'default' => array("1", "0", "1", "0")
-- only the first box gets checked -- no success.
(7) I tried this -- 'default' => array(1, 0, 1, 0)
-- only the first box gets checked -- no success.
I am thinking that ValidForm Builder is not ready for checkboxes.
Here is the relevant VFB code (if it helps you see where the issue is). NOTE on 2/22/2014 through my extended T&E troubleshooting I do not believe this class file is even loaded or used in the production of the HTML. Continuing to dig...:
class VF_Checkbox extends VF_Element {
public function toHtml($submitted = FALSE, $blnSimpleLayout = FALSE, $blnLabel = true, $blnDisplayErrors = true) {
$blnError = ($submitted && !$this->__validator->validate() && $blnDisplayErrors) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (!$blnSimpleLayout) {
//*** We asume that all dynamic fields greater than 0 are never required.
if ($this->__validator->getRequired()) {
$this->setMeta("class", "vf__required");
} else {
$this->setMeta("class", "vf__optional");
if ($blnError) $this->setMeta("class", "vf__error");
if (!$blnLabel) $this->setMeta("class", "vf__nolabel");
// Call this right before __getMetaString();
$strOutput = "<div{$this->__getMetaString()}>\n";
if ($blnError) $strOutput .= "<p class=\"vf__error\">{$this->__validator->getError()}</p>";
if ($this->__getValue($submitted)) {
//*** Add the "checked" attribute to the input field.
$this->setFieldMeta("checked", "checked");
} else {
//*** Remove the "checked" attribute from the input field. Just to be sure it wasn't set before.
$this->setFieldMeta("checked", null, TRUE);
if ($blnLabel) {
$strLabel = (!empty($this->__requiredstyle) && $this->__validator->getRequired()) ? sprintf($this->__requiredstyle, $this->__label) : $this->__label;
if (!empty($this->__label)) $strOutput .= "<label for=\"{$this->__id}\"{$this->__getLabelMetaString()}>{$strLabel}</label>\n";
} else {
if ($blnError) $this->setMeta("class", "vf__error");
$this->setMeta("class", "vf__multifielditem");
// Call this right before __getMetaString();
$strOutput = "<div{$this->__getMetaString()}>\n";
if ($this->__getValue($submitted)) {
//*** Add the "checked" attribute to the input field.
$this->setFieldMeta("checked", "checked");
} else {
//*** Remove the "checked" attribute from the input field. Just to be sure it wasn't set before.
$this->setFieldMeta("checked", null, TRUE);
$strOutput .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"{$this->__name}\" id=\"{$this->__id}\"{$this->__getFieldMetaString()}/>\n";
if (!empty($this->__tip)) $strOutput .= "<small class=\"vf__tip\">{$this->__tip}</small>\n";
$strOutput .= "</div>\n";
return $strOutput;
public function toJS() {
$strOutput = "";
$strCheck = $this->__validator->getCheck();
$strCheck = (empty($strCheck)) ? "''" : str_replace("'", "\\'", $strCheck);
$strRequired = ($this->__validator->getRequired()) ? "true" : "false";;
$intMaxLength = ($this->__validator->getMaxLength() > 0) ? $this->__validator->getMaxLength() : "null";
$intMinLength = ($this->__validator->getMinLength() > 0) ? $this->__validator->getMinLength() : "null";
$strOutput .= "objForm.addElement('{$this->__id}', '{$this->__name}', {$strCheck}, {$strRequired}, {$intMaxLength}, {$intMinLength}, '" . addslashes($this->__validator->getFieldHint()) . "', '" . addslashes($this->__validator->getTypeError()) . "', '" . addslashes($this->__validator->getRequiredError()) . "', '" . addslashes($this->__validator->getHintError()) . "', '" . addslashes($this->__validator->getMinLengthError()) . "', '" . addslashes($this->__validator->getMaxLengthError()) . "');\n";
//*** Condition logic.
$strOutput .= $this->conditionsToJs();
return $strOutput;
public function getValue($intDynamicPosition = 0) {
$varValue = parent::getValue($intDynamicPosition);
return (strlen($varValue) > 0 && $varValue !== 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
public function getDefault($intDynamicPosition = 0) {
return (strlen($this->__default) > 0 && $this->getValue($intDynamicPosition)) ? "on" : null;
I see where the developer recently applied a fix for your issue. You can get the revised source file at http://code.google.com/p/validformbuilder/source/list