
How to get a published video URL

I'm trying to build my app based on Windows Media Services REST API (i'm not using any SDK, just plain rest api requests).

My steps are more or less like:

  1. Create Asset
  2. Assign write Access Policy
  3. Assign upload locator
  4. Upload a file to URL specified by upload locator path
  5. Assign download Access Policy
  6. Assign download locator

All those steps seems to work great but - how can i actually get the video streaming URL? I can't see anything, which looks like such url (as far as i know, it should look similar to upload URL from upload locator). Should i "fold" it by myself using some segments from various parts of api ?

Based on this article, i should append the path parameter with name parameter and /manifest (so it should looke like that: <path_param>/<name_param>.ism/manifest) but it gives me ResourceNotFound error. Anyway, i've seen that other people (like SHIBSANKAR) have found some way to obtain all asset urls so i think there is some way to do it but they have not descrbed how they've done it.


  • After reading all the docs and talking with microsoft support, i have figured it out. All the URL parts are returned by download locator and the formula looks like that:


    I hope someone will find that usefull someday.