
Creating .vtk Vector Data from .vtk scalar data

I'm using a fluid simulation software which can create .vtk files of scalars x-velocity, y-velocity, and z-velocity. I'm trying to view streamlines using ParaView, however that requires vectorized data. Is there an easy way to combine the scalar .vtk files to produce a vectorized .vtk file?

Thanks a lot!


  • You can use the calculator filter in ParaView to combine the components to a vector. The required entities are iHat, jHat, and kHat, i.e. the vector constants representing unit vectors in the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively.
    In your case the required line would look something like iHat*Xvel+jHat*Yvel+kHat*Zvel with Xvel, Yvel and Zvel are the x, y, and z velocity components. You can find your scalar data in the dropdown list 'Scalars'.

    As an example, the following shows an example combining the coordinates (scalars) to a coordinate vector.
    enter image description here