I had eclipse and BB certificates (barsigner.csk, barsigner.db and author.p12) installed on Machine X which I used to sign BB10 application.
Later, I moved to another computer, Machine Y, but didn't move those certificates, I created a BB7 app but used new certificates to sign it. Since then, every time I update those two apps I go and use Machine X for BB and Machine Y for BB7.
However, now I can no longer use Machine X but I have a copy of the original barsigner.csk, barsigner.db and author.p12. How can I import them to my new Machine Y without affecting existing certificates that I use for BB7?
Suggest keeping them backed up on Machine Y so you can easily manage them:
Keys (barsigner.csk, barsigner.db and author.p12) should be placed in the following shared folder when used by the SDK:
Swap the relevant sets of keys in and out of this shared folder when you wish to use them to build either your BB10 or BB7 app.